Go Vail 2045

Town of Vail Mobility and Transportation Master Plan

The Vail Mobility and Transportation Master Plan is complete. The final recommendation of approval from the PEC happened on June 24, and final adoption by the Town Council was July 2. A link to the final document is below.

The discussion threads below capture past public comments. Additional public comments can be made at the above stated public meetings.

For Project background and updates please read below.

Project Background

Go Vail 2045, the Vail Mobility & Transportation Master Plan is the Town’s initiative to integrate all aspects of mobility in Vail into a single plan that will chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. The previous Transportation Master Plan was developed in 2009. Since then, Vail has continued to be a popular recreational destination while growing as a center for employment and services. Go Vail 2045 will serve as a comprehensive transportation plan that will cover community connectivity, including how to meet travel demand on a variety of transportation modes, how to efficiently manage deliveries of goods to businesses and residences throughout the community, how to incorporate emerging transportation technologies into Vail’s policy framework, how to manage parking demand, and how to strengthen regional travel opportunities. It is anticipated that the planning process will take place over two years and that community members will be engaged throughout.

Project Vision

Vail is recognized as having a comprehensive multimodal transportation system with well-integrated alternative transportation options which reduce the number of single-occupant vehicle trips and overall vehicle miles traveled to, from, and within Vail. Transit, walking, and biking are highly encouraged, comfortable, safe, affordable, reliable, and convenient, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure, emerging mobilities and technologies, as well as education and outreach programs. Vail's transportation system is designed to support the sustainability of the natural environment and contribute to the Town's Climate Action goals as well as to provide equitable access to economic, recreational, and other opportunities. Those who choose to drive are welcomed with a well-maintained roadway system and clear direction for locating Vail's managed parking areas and alternative fuel vehicle stations. Loading of goods, services, and passengers is efficient and clearly designated through the town's dispersed loading and delivery system. Traveling between Vail and regional destinations within the intermountain area and the Front Range is reliable, convenient, safe and seamless by public transit or private vehicle. Convenient connections to the nearby airports make year-round travel to Vail easy from anywhere in the world.

Project Goals

  • To update the 2009 Vail Transportation Master Plan and reflect the changing nature of mobility in Vail.
  • To make driving, walking, bicycling, and riding transit feel safe and efficient for residents, employees, and visitors.
  • To learn how the Town can best serve the transportation needs of community members as we grow.
  • To identify how emerging transportation technologies can be leveraged to improve connectivity both within Vail and the wider region.
  • To continue building Vail’s reputation as a community where traveling by foot or bicycle is an enjoyable experience

Community Outreach

Summer 2022
In the summer of 2022, the project team conducted an online survey (275 responses), online interactive map (42 comments), and spoke with community members one-on-one at six different community events. The input received from community members through all these channels helped inform the analysis the project team is conducting and will continue to form the development of recommendations. Below are high-level takeaways from the community input.

What is working well about transportation in Vail?

  • Walking & biking is easy & comfortable
  • Sidewalks and trails are well maintained
  • Local buses are frequent, free, and easy to use
  • Navigating Vail by car is easy

What is challenging about transportation in Vail?

  • Conflicts between people walking and biking in dismount zones and on trails
  • Finding places for parking & passenger loading is challenging
  • More routes and greater frequency for regional buses are desired
  • Traffic congestion makes it difficult to drive

Click the button below to view public comments from last fall on transportation and related issues.

Summer 2023
In the summer of 2023, the project team presented concepts and ideas to the community regarding Transit, Multi-Modal: Pedestrian and Bicycle Opportunities, and Parking. These ideas were presented to Town Council, Planning and Environmental Commission, Vail Economic Advisory Committee, and at the Bighorn and Donovan Park Community Picnics. An on-line survey was also available during the month of August. The key takeaway was that there seems to be a high degree of alignment between the presented Master Plan ideas and public opinion. For survey results, click the button below.

Town of Vail Mobility and Transportation Master Plan

The Vail Mobility and Transportation Master Plan is complete. The final recommendation of approval from the PEC happened on June 24, and final adoption by the Town Council was July 2. A link to the final document is below.

The discussion threads below capture past public comments. Additional public comments can be made at the above stated public meetings.

For Project background and updates please read below.

Project Background

Go Vail 2045, the Vail Mobility & Transportation Master Plan is the Town’s initiative to integrate all aspects of mobility in Vail into a single plan that will chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. The previous Transportation Master Plan was developed in 2009. Since then, Vail has continued to be a popular recreational destination while growing as a center for employment and services. Go Vail 2045 will serve as a comprehensive transportation plan that will cover community connectivity, including how to meet travel demand on a variety of transportation modes, how to efficiently manage deliveries of goods to businesses and residences throughout the community, how to incorporate emerging transportation technologies into Vail’s policy framework, how to manage parking demand, and how to strengthen regional travel opportunities. It is anticipated that the planning process will take place over two years and that community members will be engaged throughout.

Project Vision

Vail is recognized as having a comprehensive multimodal transportation system with well-integrated alternative transportation options which reduce the number of single-occupant vehicle trips and overall vehicle miles traveled to, from, and within Vail. Transit, walking, and biking are highly encouraged, comfortable, safe, affordable, reliable, and convenient, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure, emerging mobilities and technologies, as well as education and outreach programs. Vail's transportation system is designed to support the sustainability of the natural environment and contribute to the Town's Climate Action goals as well as to provide equitable access to economic, recreational, and other opportunities. Those who choose to drive are welcomed with a well-maintained roadway system and clear direction for locating Vail's managed parking areas and alternative fuel vehicle stations. Loading of goods, services, and passengers is efficient and clearly designated through the town's dispersed loading and delivery system. Traveling between Vail and regional destinations within the intermountain area and the Front Range is reliable, convenient, safe and seamless by public transit or private vehicle. Convenient connections to the nearby airports make year-round travel to Vail easy from anywhere in the world.

Project Goals

  • To update the 2009 Vail Transportation Master Plan and reflect the changing nature of mobility in Vail.
  • To make driving, walking, bicycling, and riding transit feel safe and efficient for residents, employees, and visitors.
  • To learn how the Town can best serve the transportation needs of community members as we grow.
  • To identify how emerging transportation technologies can be leveraged to improve connectivity both within Vail and the wider region.
  • To continue building Vail’s reputation as a community where traveling by foot or bicycle is an enjoyable experience

Community Outreach

Summer 2022
In the summer of 2022, the project team conducted an online survey (275 responses), online interactive map (42 comments), and spoke with community members one-on-one at six different community events. The input received from community members through all these channels helped inform the analysis the project team is conducting and will continue to form the development of recommendations. Below are high-level takeaways from the community input.

What is working well about transportation in Vail?

  • Walking & biking is easy & comfortable
  • Sidewalks and trails are well maintained
  • Local buses are frequent, free, and easy to use
  • Navigating Vail by car is easy

What is challenging about transportation in Vail?

  • Conflicts between people walking and biking in dismount zones and on trails
  • Finding places for parking & passenger loading is challenging
  • More routes and greater frequency for regional buses are desired
  • Traffic congestion makes it difficult to drive

Click the button below to view public comments from last fall on transportation and related issues.

Summer 2023
In the summer of 2023, the project team presented concepts and ideas to the community regarding Transit, Multi-Modal: Pedestrian and Bicycle Opportunities, and Parking. These ideas were presented to Town Council, Planning and Environmental Commission, Vail Economic Advisory Committee, and at the Bighorn and Donovan Park Community Picnics. An on-line survey was also available during the month of August. The key takeaway was that there seems to be a high degree of alignment between the presented Master Plan ideas and public opinion. For survey results, click the button below.

  • Town Seeks Input on DRAFT Transportation Master Plan by March 31

    The Town of Vail is seeking comments on its draft “Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan” and the 2045 vision for Vail’s transportation system. Community members can comment online at engagevail.com/govail2045 and follow the process at upcoming public meetings:

    Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan, is the town’s initiative to integrate all aspects of mobility in Vail into a single plan that will chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. Go Vail 2045 will provide a comprehensive analysis and set of recommendations to improve community connectivity including: meeting travel demand on a variety of transportation modes, efficiently managing deliveries of goods to businesses and residences throughout the community, incorporating emerging transportation technologies into Vail’s policy framework, managing parking demand, and strengthening regional travel opportunities.

    The planning effort began in 2022. The draft master plan considers previous planning documents, analyzes existing transportation patterns, and makes recommendations for a variety of transportation and connectivity components including walking, biking, public transit, parking, traffic speeds, I-70 impacts, loading and delivery, and special event logistics.

    For more information, contact Town Engineer Tom Kassmel at 970-479-2235.

  • Go Vail 2045 Public Engagement & Survey Results

    Click here to review the results of recent community engagement opportunities, survey results and interactive map comments.

  • Town of Vail Launches “Go Vail 2045” Planning Effort to Guide Future Mobility and Transportation Actions

    The Town of Vail is kicking off a two-year planning effort that will be used to chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. The project team for Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan, will be circulating throughout the community to gather input on the current conditions and the future vision of transportation in Vail. Community members are encouraged to participate in the launch of the Go Vail 2045 process by taking an online mobility survey at www.engagevail.com/govail2045 and in person at the following pop-up events:

    • Vail Transportation Center – 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 19
    • Community Picnic at Bighorn Park – 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, July 19
    • Town of Vail Municipal Building – 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 19
    • Farmers' Market & Art Show in Vail Village – 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Sunday, July 24
    • Community Picnic at Donovan Pavilion – 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 9

    To prepare the Mobility & Transportation Master Plan, the project team will be reviewing previous planning documents, analyzing existing transportation patterns, and making recommendations for a variety of transportation and connectivity components including walking, biking, public transit, parking, traffic speeds, noise, loading and delivery, and event circulation.

    The town has contracted with Fehr & Peers based in Denver to guide the planning process. Community members will be invited to help shape the plan throughout three major phases of the work, including visioning and goals, initial recommendations and final recommendations, prior to adoption of the Go Vail 2045 plan by the Vail Town Council.

    Go Vail 2045 will provide a comprehensive analysis and set of recommendations to improve community connectivity including, meeting travel demand on a variety of transportation modes, efficiently managing deliveries of goods to businesses and residences throughout the community, incorporating emerging transportation technologies into Vail’s policy framework, managing parking demand, and strengthening regional travel opportunities.

    For more information, contact project manager Tom Kassmel in the town’s public works department at 970-479-2235 or email tkassmel@vailgov.com. Project updates are available at www.engagevail.com/govail2045.

Page last updated: 31 Jul 2024, 02:32 PM