West Vail Master Plan
The West Vail Master Plan is the community blueprint for environmentally and economically sustainable land use, zoning, and development decisions in the West Vail neighborhood. The plan also focuses on enhancing transportation connectivity and mobility, housing opportunities, and economic development. Throughout the planning process, the planning team thoroughly engaged the public to hear their ideas, goals, and opinions for West Vail. Now is the chance to be part of the conversation that takes the plan and turns it into a reality.
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The West Vail Master Plan is the community blueprint for environmentally and economically sustainable land use, zoning, and development decisions in the West Vail neighborhood. The plan also focuses on enhancing transportation connectivity and mobility, housing opportunities, and economic development. Throughout the planning process, the planning team thoroughly engaged the public to hear their ideas, goals, and opinions for West Vail. Now is the chance to be part of the conversation that takes the plan and turns it into a reality.
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The West Vail Master Plan was adopted by Town Council on November 16, 2021. The plan addresses the commercial, residential, and multi-modal transportation future for the West Vail neighborhood.
The Town has received direction from Council to begin Phase 1 of implementing the plan, focusing on the rezoning of the residential areas identified in this plan.
The potential rezoning options will be discussed at the June 13 PEC meeting. No decisions on rezoning will be made at that time. Updates on that process will continue to be posted on this site.
Vail Town Council Approval!
On Nov. 2, the Vail Town Council voted unanimously (7-0) to approve Resolution No. 50, Series of 2021, A Resolution of the Vail Town Council Adopting the West Vail Master Plan. A link to the approved master plan document will be uploaded to this site in the coming days.
Follow Project
Project Timeline
Phase One: Background Research and Community Visioning (May – October 2020)
West Vail Master Plan has finished this stageWest Vail Master Plan has finished this stage.
Planning team analysis of issues and opportunities for economics, housing, planning, design, and transportation. Visioning public engagement through stakeholder focus groups, a public open house, and online surveys. In-person engagement modified or moved online due to COVID-19.
Phase Two: Design Options and Draft Plan Elements (November 2020 – April 2021)
West Vail Master Plan has finished this stageWest Vail Master Plan is currently at this stage.
Drafting of designs and plan recommendations based on issues and opportunities identified in Phase One. Public workshops to brainstorm ideas for housing, land use and design, and transportation. Draft Plan Party for public to review draft plan and offer feedback.
Phase 3: Plan Implementation Steps (May- June 2021)
West Vail Master Plan has finished this stageThis is an upcoming stage for West Vail Master Plan.
Creation of “Action Plan for Implementation” and cost estimates. Continued public review of the draft plan.
Phase 4: Plan Approval (July – September 2021)
West Vail Master Plan has finished this stageThis is an upcoming stage for West Vail Master Plan.
Meetings with the Town and public to garner support for approval and adoption of the plan.
Master Plan Implementation - Phase One
West Vail Master Plan is currently at this stageJuly 2022 - December 2022
Phase One pursues the housing recommendations and the envisioned new zone districts.
Master Plan Implementation - Phase Two
this is an upcoming stage for West Vail Master PlanMarch 2023 - August 2023
Phase two pursues the commercial recommendations for the Vail Center
Master Plan Implementation - Phase Three
this is an upcoming stage for West Vail Master PlanNovember 2023 - March 2024
Phase three of the implementation focuses on Transportation and Mobility goals
West Vail Master Plan (Final 2021)
Master Plan Adoption Working Documents
WVMP_LandUseDesignAnalysis_AC_072420.pdf (3.52 MB) (pdf)
WVMP_EconomicsHousingAnalysis_AC_072420.pdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
WVMP_TransportationAnalysis_AC_072420.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Workshop Summary Memo.pdf (666 KB) (pdf)
Housing Workshop Summary Memo.pdf (422 KB) (pdf)
Commercial Workshop Summary Memo.pdf (611 KB) (pdf)
Council & PEC Presentation (18.9 MB) (pdf)
WestVMP_DraftPlanWebinar.pdf (26.5 MB) (pdf)
PEC Presentation (26.4 MB) (pdf)
West Vail Master Plan Town Council Presentation (7.04 MB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Phone (970) 479-2146 Email MGennett@vailgov.com