Town of Vail Civic Area Plan

Thank You
The 2018/2019 Town of Vail Civic Area Plan was adopted on November 5, 2019 by a unanimous vote of Council.
On behalf of the Town of Vail and the Civic Area Plan project team, we would like to say thank you to the Vail community for a record level of public participation and community engagement. With over 750 active participants on, in addition to ongoing involvement from stakeholder groups, adjacent property owners, and public input at open houses and meetings, we achieved a record level of community engagement in a master plan process.
Thanks also to our project team including 4240 Architects, Braun Associates Inc, Trestle Strategy Group, Economic Planning Systems, and Russell + Mills.
Next steps in the implementation process include in-depth market feasibility analyses for certain uses detailed in the three options contained in Chapter 3 of the 2018/2019 Vail Civic Area Plan and site-specific design work for the Charter Bus Lot, Dobson Ice Arena, and the Municipal Site.
Watch for additional updates on during the implementation phases.
Thank You
The 2018/2019 Town of Vail Civic Area Plan was adopted on November 5, 2019 by a unanimous vote of Council.
On behalf of the Town of Vail and the Civic Area Plan project team, we would like to say thank you to the Vail community for a record level of public participation and community engagement. With over 750 active participants on, in addition to ongoing involvement from stakeholder groups, adjacent property owners, and public input at open houses and meetings, we achieved a record level of community engagement in a master plan process.
Thanks also to our project team including 4240 Architects, Braun Associates Inc, Trestle Strategy Group, Economic Planning Systems, and Russell + Mills.
Next steps in the implementation process include in-depth market feasibility analyses for certain uses detailed in the three options contained in Chapter 3 of the 2018/2019 Vail Civic Area Plan and site-specific design work for the Charter Bus Lot, Dobson Ice Arena, and the Municipal Site.
Watch for additional updates on during the implementation phases.
Final Civic Area Plan to be reviewed and adopted by Council on October 15th
The Vail Town Council will review a resolution adopting the Civic Area Plan during its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Resolution No. 41 is listed as 2.1 on the meeting agenda which begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers with opportunities for public comment.
The long-range planning project was initiated last December to provide a cohesive vision for future improvements to town-owned properties in the study area, including Dobson Ice Arena, Vail Public Library, Lionshead parking structure, charter bus lot and the Vail Municipal building.Read more about the resolution and upcoming meeting on October 15th here.
Link to FINAL Plan here.
Draft Civic Area Plan available for review!
Please review the draft Civic Area Master Plan and provide your comments using this page.
Comments submitted by October 8th will be passed on to Town Council for adoption on October 15th.
Draft Civic Area Master Plan Concepts - Tell Us What You Think!
The Civic Area Plan is gaining momentum as a final draft plan is scheduled to be tentatively released in late August or early September, with formal review by the Planning and Environmental Commission scheduled to occur in this fall.
The Civic Area Plan will be the result of a series of community engagement activities, expert input, and Town Council's updates, that happened since the long-range planning project was initiated last December. The town-owned properties in the study area include Dobson Ice Arena, Vail Public Library, Lionshead Parking Structure, Charter Bus Lot and the Vail Municipal Site.The civic area plan is a predecessor to future site planning processes, during which decisions specific to each site will be made. Following the Town Council update #6 on August 6, 2019, we have prepared a short presentation providing information on where the Civic Area Master Plan is headed. Please follow this link to read the presentation and provide a brief input on the draft Master Plan concepts.Thank you for your feedback! -
August 6, 2019 Presentation to Town Council
August 6, 2019 Town Council update #6 on key elements of the Civic Area Master Plan
July 16, 2019 Presentation to Town Council
A series of key questions are being posed to the Town Council and members of the community that will be used to help frame the next steps in the Vail Civic Area master planning process. The discussions will take place in two sessions during the Tuesday, July 16 Town Council meeting:
- The first discussion, outlining potential financial considerations, is listed as 2.3 on the afternoon agenda which begins at 1 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers. Link to afternoon presentation
- The second discussion, to refine and prioritize site-specific concepts, is listed as action item 4 on the evening meeting agenda which begins at 6 p.m. Opportunities for public comment will be offered during both agenda discussions. Link to evening presentation
June 18, 2019 Presentation to Town Council
May 21, 2019 Presentation to Town Council - Design Concepts, Market Context and Next Steps
Process Committee Presentation, May 16, 2019
On May 16th, the Project Team met with the Process Committee to present an update on the second window of community engagement. This is the presentation from the meeting.
Community Input Sought during Next Phase of Civic Area Master Plan Process
An open house on April 17 and a series of short, interactive surveys at EngageVail.comwill be available to collect comments and feedback from the community during the next phase of the Town of Vail Civic Area planning process, which extends from April 12 through April 28.
Channel 5 Broadcast of April 2nd
Watch the Channel 5 broadcast of the April 2nd update on the Civic Area to Town Council.
Quick Poll
Project Timeline
Let's Get Going!
Town of Vail Civic Area Plan has finished this stageOctober/November 2018
The project is just beginning and our team is hard at work defining our study area, doing research and assessing existing conditions.
Let's Chat! Community Engagement Phase
Town of Vail Civic Area Plan has finished this stage
December 2018-February 2019Now that we're in the community engagement stage, we want to hear from you! Survey closed on January 25th. Read the summary of feedback received here.
Prior to the study of any specific ideas or initiating any design work, the community will be engaged to identify ideas, goals, opportunities and desires for how the Civic Area should be used. Input from the community will be foundational to how the Civic Area Plan evolves. This presentation on the Civic Area project was shared at the Community Open House on December 11th.Link to article in Vail Daily on project kickoff meeting with the community.
The Project Team updated Town Council on the feedback received from the community from the first window of engagement. Link to the Town Council presentation and full summary of all feedback received on EngageVail
Finally, the Vail Daily published this article about the update to Town Council on February 24, 2019. -
Programming and Planning
Town of Vail Civic Area Plan has finished this stageMarch/April 2019
During this phase of work the project team will specify uses and other “big ideas” that may come out of the community engagement process. This effort will involve program and design studies, civil design, traffic and other considerations and economic and market evaluation.
The initial scenarios were presented to Council on April 2, 2019.
Conceptual Site Design/Character Studies
Town of Vail Civic Area Plan has finished this stageMay 2019-June 2019
Up to three conceptual site plans depicting alternatives for future improvements to the Civic Area will be prepared by the project team. The goal of these alternative concepts will be to define how various uses may be accommodated within the study area, the relationship of these uses and how they relate to surrounding properties. These alternatives will ultimately evolve into a preferred concept for the Civic Area.
Now we get to use all of our research to come up with an effective design to make a great new Civic Area! -
Formal Review Stage
Town of Vail Civic Area Plan is currently at this stageThe Vail Town Council will review a resolution adopting the Civic Area Plan(External link) during its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Resolution No. 41 is listed as 2.1 on the meeting agenda(External link) which begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers with opportunities for public comment.
How has Vail changed since 1973?
Check out Vail Civic Center as it has changed from 1973 to 2018.
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